Summary of Fee Structure

There are fees involved to provide you with robust, personalised and high-quality care. The standard fees charged by Dr Attiq are in line with the recommended fee as outlined by the Australian Medical Association. Medicare rebates and private health insurance funds may not cover the full cost of this private care.

Please contact our staff for a detailed explanation of the charges and rebates involved with your care. These costs may include consulting fees, surgical fees, anaesthetist and surgical assisting fees. We are also able to provide an in-depth fee structure before your first consultation to help you better navigate this complex process.


Estimated Costs and Financial Consent

You will be given an estimated cost for your pregnancy planning and management or a gynaecological surgical procedure prior to the treatment to enable to discuss potential rebates with your health fund. We also require all of our patients to sign an informed financial consent form prior to treatment commencing. Please do not hesitate to clarify any concerns or questions with our staff.


Private Patients

If you choose private care, you will be treated at an affiliated hospital by Dr Attiq. Following your surgery and discharge from the hospital, you will be given a follow-up appointment in the rooms where the surgical results will be discussed in detail.


Types of Private Patients

  • Insured by a private health fund
  • Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)
  • Individual without a private health fund (self-insured)


Private Health Insurance

Using private health insurance gives you the opportunity to access the services that best suit you and your personalised needs.

We accept most private health insurance programs. However, you should check your level of cover and rebates offered prior to booking a procedure. Please keep in mind that you are responsible for the total payment, should your insurance provide less coverage than expected.


Self-Insured Patients

Even if you are not covered by a private health fund, you can still choose private care under Dr Raffat Attiq. Consequently, you will be responsible for the full costs involved with your treatment, except those covered by Medicare. For further details, please contact our staff.


Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA)

The Australian Department of Government Affairs provides a range of benefits to current and former serving members and their dependants. For more information, please visit


Public vs Private Care

For your treatment, you can choose to be cared for in a public or private hospital system.


Public Hospital Care

If you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident and you choose to be cared for in a public system, you are entitled to free treatment under the Medicare scheme. Your treatment will be attended to by the on-call team at the time. Most surgeries in a public hospital are undertaken by registrars (trainee doctors) under the supervision of a senior surgeon, who is primarily responsible for your care. While there are no costs involved within a public hospital, there is a waiting list for surgeries. Your treatment will be categorised according to the acuteness of your condition.

Your follow-up appointment will take place in the hospital outpatient clinic or at your general practitioner.


Private Hospital Care

If you choose to be cared for in the private healthcare system, Dr Raffat Attiq will perform your surgery personally. She will also be involved in your post-operative care and follow-up appointments will be arranged in her private rooms at the time of discharge.


Pregnancy Planning and Management Fee (Medicare item no 16590)

Pregnancy Planning and management fee is the only large bill you will receive from Dr Raffat Attiq throughout Pregnancy.

This is regardless of your pregnancy or birth complexity.

This fee is charged by the specialist if she intends to take the primary responsibility of the management of the pregnancy and complications and to be available for birth and patient intends to privately admitted for the birth, under her care and pregnancy has progressed beyond 28 weeks.

Dr Raffat Attiq provides 24/7 cover to her patients (with exception of a conference leave, holiday, sick leave or when operating).

The fee compensates for her time 24/7 availability, contribution to professional indemnity insurance, to cover the cost of maintaining the office and provide safe and excellent care throughout your pregnancy. It also covers the visits by Dr Attiq if you attend or are admitted to the hospital for some reason prior to giving birth.

This amount is payable as one of payment at 28 weeks or you can pay in 2 instalments at 28 weeks and 32 weeks.

While Medicare rebate does not cover the full cost of the fee, Extended Medicare safety nets (EMSN)can help you to significantly reduce out of pocket costs.

If you book with Dr Raffat Attiq late in pregnancy you will have to deposit this fee to the office of Edward street obstetrics and Gynaecology prior to delivery of your child.


Medicare Safety Net

Medicare safety net can help you significantly reduce your out of pocket expenses. Medicare calculates the safety net cost each calendar year from January to 31st December. If you are enrolled in Medicare you are eligible for Medicare safety net. If you are part of family or couple, you can combine your costs by registering as a family. Make sure you register before you claim.

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